Our Culture

At Grassik, we promote an open and transparent culture where everyone is encouraged to express themselves without bias and be open to varied thoughts and opinions. Performance and Commitment to goals are considered sacrosanct. In keeping with these, the following tenets define our culture best.

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    Intra-preneurial Mindset

    We encourage an intrapreneurial mindset within Grassik. Every colleague is expected to portray ownership of work regardless of seniority or designation. Passing the buck is a strict no-no. In the same vein, our leaders are expected to run their practices as Entrepreneurs with a wide level of autonomy given. Hence, they are fully responsible and accountable for the success of their respective practices.

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    Idea Sharing

    Sharing takes on a whole new meaning at Grassik. Peer Group sessions are regular feature aimed at brainstorming of ideas and thoughts towards common challenges, trends and varied aspects of work. These play a key role in offering insights into each of us while simultaneously encouraging colleagues to think and express. In regard to the same, the management has an open door policy and one is free to discuss their thoughts candidly.

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    Diversity & Inclusion

    At Grassik, we promote Diversity – of people, thoughts, ideas and backgrounds. More the merrier we believe. We celebrate all festivals with equal fervor. Gender Diversity stands out in Grassik’s Talent Composition with women not only forming a large majority but proving themselves to be true pillars of strength and support to the organisation.

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    Throwing out the Box

    At Grassik, the constant call is to not just think out of the box but to not consider a box at all. It begins with the mindset of our people, which is to not be constrained or influenced by the past. We try and constantly re-invent ourselves thus, positively impacting each aspect of our work process. A bare canvas is laid open for each colleague to paint their own picture